

The changelog tracks changes from September 30, 2019 onwards.

  1. 30 September, 2019: added note that NetBeans may not be available.
  2. 7 October, 2019: NetBeans will not be available, updated versions of installed software and compilation options.
  3. 16 October, 2019: Kotlin added also for student teams.
  4. 16 October, 2019: Added a note that Kotlin is only usable from IntelliJ.


The system is based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. It will be possible to submit solutions using C99, C++17, Java 11, Python 2.7, Python 3.6 and Kotlin 1.3. It is only possible to use Kotlin with IntelliJ, kotlinc as stand-alone executable is not available on contestant systems.


Documentation for C, C++, Java, Python 2, Python 3, and Kotlin will be available through zeal.

Compilation options

Note: these are subject to minor changes before the contest

For C and C++, the flag -g will be disabled on the judge systems. During the contest, the commands given below will be provided respectively as mygcc, myg++, myjavac, myjava, mypython2 and mypython3.

gcc -x c -Wall -O2 -std=gnu99 -static -pipe "$@" -lm
g++ -x c++ -Wall -O2 -std=c++17 -static -pipe "$@"
javac -encoding UTF-8 -d . "$@"
java -Xrs -XX:+UseSerialGC -Xss65536k -Xms1441792k -Xmx1441792k $@
Python 2
pypy "$@"
Python 3
python3 "$@"

Available software

Note: as the exact versions of installed software are not under our control, the actually available version might differ slightly.

For each language, even though there may be more libraries available on the contestant systems, only the compiler and its standard libraries will be available on the judge systems!

Compiler versions
  • C & C++: GCC 7.4.0
  • Java: OpenJDK 11.0.4
  • Python 2: Python 2.7.13 (PyPy 5.10)
  • Python 3: Python 3.6.8
IDEs and editors (with additional installed plugins)
  • Eclipse 2019-06 (4.12.0)
    • CDT 9.8.0
  • IntelliJ IDEA CE 2019.2.2
  • PyCharm CE 2019.2.1
  • KDevelop 5.2.1
  • QtCreator 4.5.2
  • Visual Studio Code 1.38.1
    • C/C++ 0.25.1
    • Java Language Support 0.50.0
    • Python 2019.9.34911
  • CodeBlocks 16.01
  • Geany 1.32
  • Emacs 25.2.2
  • Vim 8.0.1453
  • Kate 17.12.3
  • Gedit 3.28.1
  • Nano 2.9.3
  • NetBeans 10.0
    • Note: Unfortunately, NetBeans won’t be available.
  • Bash 4.4
  • Make 4.1
  • GDB 8.1
  • Valgrind 3.13.0
  • Git 2.17.1
  • Screen 4.06.02
  • Tmux 2.6
  • Galculator 2.1.4
  • Evince 3.28.4

Event sponsors

Organized by
