In order for institutions to select their own top teams to compete in the BAPC, local preliminaries are organized. For these preliminaries, the jury will provide a separate set of exercises and solutions to the institutions taking part in this preliminary round.
To keep things fair, the preliminaries will all take part on the same day in the Benelux. The preliminaries will take place on Saturday September 21st, 2019 in the afternoon. The advised time schedule for the preliminaries is as follows:
While it is desirable to have all preliminaries take place at exactly the same moment, because of practicalities at several institutions, this time schedule is not compulsory and institutions are allowed to deviate from it.
In case your institution wants to organize a preliminary round, but the date is for some reason unavailable, please reach out to to discuss the possibilities to host a preliminary round on a different day.
Note that it is not required for institutions to organize preliminaries, in order to send in teams to the BAPC. The preliminaries are recommended to make a fair selection of the best teams per institution and are a good way to train.
The requirements for hosting a preliminary round are that you have your own DOMJudge system available. A problem archive for a test session (1 hour) and the real contest (5 hours) will be distributed some days before the preliminaries, which can be imported to a DOMJudge server.
Additionally, it is strongly advised to have at least 1 jury member from your own institution available. This jury member shall verify results of the preliminaries and can answer clarification requests. During the contest, questions can also be asked to the central BAPC jury by the organization of the preliminary round, though it might take a while before those are answered and depending on the size of your preliminary round, this can be undesirable. Also this jury member can present the solutions after the contest. A presentation for this purpose will be published during the contest.
After the preliminaries, we would like to publish the scoreboard of each preliminary round on this website. Therefore we will ask you to export your scoreboard and send it to us after the contest.
Below, a map is shown with all preliminary rounds registered.
In case you also want to organize a preliminary round, please let us know via Make sure to mention
It is also possible to register a preliminary round when not all information is yet available. Please let us know then by the time it is known.
Feel free to ask any questions! We are available at